Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Final Project.
I plan on doing an oil pastel painting of a road. The road represents how long or how short it can take for a person to reach change.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Artist Inspiration: René Magritte and Joe Sorren

I love how he can take something so strange and make it look completely realistic.

I love how soft all of Joe Sorren's pieces look.
Word(s) of the Day: Taking Risks.

For something to change, you have to be willing to let it change. Risks need to be taken. They not only help you grow, but they help you accept the things you may not want to. If you jump headfirst into something without thinking, you have no other choice than to accept it. I feel that that's what the next few years of my life are going to be like. College is going to change everything, and it's something that I'm looking forward to and something that I'm just going to throw my entire being into. However, that doesn't mean that it's going to be an easy change to accept, I'm just going to have to learn how to adapt.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Word of the Day: Action.

In order for anything to change, you need to take action. People in this world spend all their time blaming other people for the problems occurring in the world. Yet, no one is willing to take any type of responsibility or willing to take action in order to make the changes needed to change the world. We as an entire world need to take that action. It's going to take time, but if we keep going on the way that we are right now, then nothing is ever going to change.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Word of the Day: Fear.

Facing your fears can lead to changes in life that you will be grateful for in the long run. Hiding from every single thing that scares you wont get you anywhere. This however is something that I've always had trouble accepting. I fear things changing, I fear leaving the people and places I love behind, and most of all I fear opening up to someone. This is the one thing in my life that I've struggled most with. Fear has run my life and learning to accept change is helping me gain control again.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Word of the Day: Loss.

'Nothing is so painful to the human mind as a great and sudden change.' - Frankenstein
Death is not an easy thing to cope with. It's a change in your life that you just can't seem to accept. You don't want to face the fact that you will never see the person you love again, that you will never see your friend again. But death is something that every one has to deal with, it's an unwelcomed change, but you can't stop it from happening.
"The pain doesn't go away. You just make room for it." - The Walking Dead
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Word(s) of the Day: Growing Up.

Growing up is something that every single person in this world goes through. Some people take it personally, and others take it with grace. It comes with responsibility, knowledge, sickness and much more. It's the constant change in the lives of every living being.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
The future comes one day at a time.
--What is "change"? How does it effect a person?
Everything changes at some point, right? Every day is different from the last because every day changes. You change, the people around you change, even the things around you change. So why is change sometimes the most difficult aspect of life to accept? Sometimes you don't feel like a change is necessary but most times you don't have a choice. People say that the world needs to change in order to get better, however, people in it rarely try to make that change. Then there are the people that crave change. Those who are so desperate for it that they'd do anything to reach it. There are even times when you can be so against change that the fear of it happening can take over your thoughts and control your life, and not in a positive way. As a world, and as individual people, we need to learn to accept change. To learn that something that's different isn't always bad. Of course, change often comes with melancholy feelings, but some things need to be left behind so we can move forward. When asked what change is, these things come to my mind:
- Change is learning acceptance
- Change is overcoming fear
- Change is inevitable
- Change either happens over time or quickly and unexpected
- Change is different
- Change is achieved through actions
- Change is discovering something new
- Change is losing something
- Change is good
- Change is bad
- Change is whatever you make it out to be
- Change is growing up
- Change is the rhythm of life
Monday, March 5, 2012
Friday, February 3, 2012
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Since this time around we didn't get much snow at all, I'm choosing to upload a picture that I took back in 2009. This is Nick, Austin and Heath, attempting to make a ball of snow tall enough and large enough to roll down the hill at the library. They made it about halfway down the hill before this beast split in two. In the end we made a ramp out of it and proceeded to sled all day. Definitely one of my more memorable snow days.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Art that inspires me.

I'm honestly not sure who this is by, but it looks to be watercolors and marker. When I found this imagine, the color is what caught my eye and the portrayal that hands are the holders of any number of things. A simple wave, a touch, a hug, even art itself begins with the hands. They can be warm or cold, they can create loving gestures or angry ones, they can click a camera or hold a pencil and paint brush. Without hands this piece wouldn't exist, without them I wouldn't be able to type this. I like that two simple things attached to a person's arms can create an infinite amount of things and feelings.
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